Sedona Wellness Retreat
Advanced IV Nutrition Therapy

Advanced IV Nutrition Therapy Our physicians recognize the benefits of administering nutrients by infusing them directly into the bloodstream (intravenously). Intravenous (IV) therapy is exceptionally powerful because it circumvents the potential loss of potency due to possible breakdown in the GI tract and poor absorption of some orally administered nutrients. Please contact us to discuss what we can do for you. (928) 613-2233

Nutrition levels can be affected by stress, diet, chemical exposure, alcohol, prescription drugs and impaired circulation. Even when a person feels perfectly healthy, their tissues and organs may be depleted of his/her required nutrient levels.

In this therapy, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and other natural nutrients are given intravenously. IV Therapy bypasses the digestive system for faster absorption and is customized to meet the need of each patient. The therapy can restore and improve health performance; improve circulation, the metabolism and the immune system, and naturally relax and detoxify the body. IV therapy is used as an aid for patients with various conditions, and may be included in their Personalized Treatment Plans.


What is Myers Intravenous (IV) Vitamin and Mineral Therapy?

For some inexplicable reason some people seem to do much better when vitamins and minerals are administered by injection into a vein rather than given by mouth

The Myers IV cocktail injection was developed by Dr John Myers, a Baltimore physician, for use in his practice. When Dr Myers died in 1984, Dr Alan Gaby who was then in practice in Baltimore was approached by some of the late Dr Myers' patients who requested the treatment. Over the past ten to fifteen years Dr Gaby, who is president of the American Holistic Medical Association, has gradually modified the ingredients and informed many physicians worldwide about this, often, very useful treatment.

How useful clinically do I find this treatment?

I am one of the many doctors personally convinced of its usefulness but it should be stressed that, although I am very impressed with its efficacy in my patients, it has never been subjected many double-blind clinical trials. My use of Myers IV infusion most commonly occurs when normal, prescription medicines are just not working for the patient and I still need a solution for the patient's symptoms. Myers IV Cocktail has been used successfully to treat symptoms in a wide variety of conditions. Please see the list of conditions below.

Conditions which may respond to Myers' Intravenous Cocktail

List 1: Below is a list of conditions which I have personally treated using Myers: Acute or chronic muscle spasm Neck and Back Pain Fatigue Symptoms Some Mood Problems Persistent unexplained feeling of lack of well-being Migraine headaches- sometimes within minutes. Tension headaches Fibromyalgia Respiratory problems Acute of chronic asthma Sinusitis Bronchitis Acute viral illness/colds Acute infections Narcotic withdrawal Seasonal allergic rhinitis Cardiovascular disease Ischemic vascular disease Congestive heart failure Athletes who need quick recovery for athletic events What is usually contained in Myers IV Cocktail?

The mixture contains a specially balanced combination of vitamin and minerals administered intravenously including:

Magnesium 50% Calcium (Calcium gluconate) Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid or ‘Dexpanthenol') Vitamin B Complex 100 ( contains a mixture of B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) Vitamin C (3,000 - 5,000mg) Sterile Water for dilution

The mixture is usually made-up at the time of treatment and may differ slightly from patient to patient.

What is the duration of Treatment?

Usually you are with the doctor for 25 - 60 minutes total. A ‘treatment trial' consists of a total of five treatments given once or twice weekly. Patients vary in the number of treatments needed. Some experience improvement after only one treatment while some may not experience significant improvement until after the fifth infusion. A minority will not respond at all. For many people it seems to take two to three days or so before they experience an increase in energy. Once a patient has had the initial course of five treatments the interval between treatments is increased as quickly as possible and a maintenance program is worked out which may involve treatment every month or six weeks. The patient is only treated as often as they find it necessary to maintain their feeling of improved well-being.

If the patient has not had a positive response after a course of five treatments then I do not persist with treatment.

How is the injection given?

The mixture is made up for each individual patient at the time of administration and is given intravenously over 25 - 60 minutes. My practice is to give the mixture quite rapidly if well-tolerated since this creates a higher magnesium concentration gradient inwards across the cell membranes.

Safety of Myers' Cocktail Myers' Cocktail is a safe and extremely well-tolerated by most individuals. Anecdotally it seems effective in the majority of people and there is a very low risk of serious adverse side effects. Sometimes there may be a sensation of warmth and flushing in the body and extremities due to the rapid rise of magnesium and some patients may experience the taste of vitamins in their mouth shortly after they are given the infusion. Dr Gaby reports in his article (see link below) that no serious adverse effects were encountered in a series of approximately 15,000 treatments.

Patients taking digoxin or potassium-depleting drugs

It is important for us to know what medicines you are taking and a full medical history is always taken at the time of first consultation. If you are on digoxin / Lanoxin we will give you a potassium supplement by mouth at the time of injection lest there might be a temporary drop in potassium and a potassium tablet to take approximately six hours after your IV.


Glutathione Therapy for Parkinson's Disease

Scientists still aren't sure what causes Parkinson's disease, a debilitating, progressive neurological disorder. They do know it develops when nerve cells that produce a chemical called dopamine become damaged and die.

Our physicians use a remarkable therapy called IV glutathione to help slow the process of nerve cell degeneration. Levels of glutathione, a naturally occurring brain-protecting antioxidant, are significantly decreased in Parkinson's patients, with the deficiency occurring in the portion of the brain where dopamine-generating neurons are concentrated.

For many Parkinson's patients, glutathione replenishment has proven to be an effective therapy for halting or even potentially reversing disability. In patients who respond to this therapy, the effects can be almost immediate and dramatic. Within an hour of treatment, patients often experience reduced rigidity, fewer tremors, and improved walking ability.


Infusions for Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, and Retinopathy

Deterioration of sight is one of the most common health problems of aging. Around age sixty, the likelihood of serious ocular disorders — macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy — accelerates.

Fortunately, these vision problems can be slowed and even reversed in many cases. Because free radical damage is a significant contributor to these problems, antioxidants have a strong protective effect. Over the past 15 years, several studies have shown that the risk of macular degeneration, retinopathy, and cataracts can be greatly reduced using antioxidant supplementation.

We offer specialized therapies to prevent, treat, and reverse vision loss. IV administration of high doses of antioxidants, fatty acids, carotenoids, amino acids, and minerals — sometimes in conjunction with chelation therapy — can dramatically enhance nutrient delivery and arrest degeneration of vision.


IV Magnesium

IV Magnesium for Heart Attack and Heart Failure

If you're ever rushed to the hospital with a heart attack, intravenous magnesium could save your life. In a 1995 study, researchers found that the in-hospital death rate of those receiving IV magnesium was one-fourth that of those who received standard treatment alone. In 2003, a follow-up study of these same patients revealed an enduring effect of magnesium treatment. Nearly twice as many patients in the standard treatment group had died compared to those who received magnesium, and there were considerably more cases of heart failure and impaired heart function in the placebo group. At the Natural Wellness Center, IV magnesium is standard therapy for patients with heart problems.

IV Magnesium for Arrhythmia, Asthma, Diabetes, and More

In addition to increasing survival after heart attack, IV magnesium also smoothes out arrhythmias and improves outcomes in patients undergoing angioplasty with stent placement. It is also beneficial for acute asthma attacks, often working to relax airway spasms when drugs do not. Magnesium supplementation is crucial for diabetics, too, because it improves insulin sensitivity, helps blood sugar control, and reduces risk of retinopathy.

The list goes on: Magnesium can also reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches, help prevent kidney stones, boost immune function, and protect DNA from carcinogens. Magnesium can even help you sleep. It not only relaxes the muscles, but it also increases the length of restorative slow-wave sleep.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is a means of clearing the body of excess metals and minerals. It is traditionally administered through an IV infusion containing a synthetic amino acid called ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). EDTA is a known chelating agent-meaning that it binds to metal and mineral molecules. (For this reason, the treatment is often referred to as "EDTA chelation") The EDTA and the metal molecules are then excreted out of the body through the urine.

First used in the 1940's for heavy metal toxicity, chelation therapy was approved by the FDA for lead poisoning and remains the conventional treatment of choice. But in the 1960's, some forward-thinking doctors theorized that EDTA chelation might work for other problems as well, like combating the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Talk about bad timing

About the time chelation was being suggested as a treatment for atherosclerosis, the first "successful" coronary bypass surgery was performed. The mainstream medical community embraced the bypass approach with fervor, and chelation was left in the dust.

But a small group of physicians stuck with it. And although most mainstream doctors still recommend costly, dangerous, and terribly invasive surgery, the IV chelation approach has grown slowly but steadily over the last several decades. The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), a professional association that supports the use of chelation therapy, estimates that there were more than 800,000 IV chelation therapy sessions in the U.S. in 1997 alone.

How EDTA Chelation Works

EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid), the active ingredient in Detoxamin, is a synthetic amino acid that has the ability to attach itself to metals and minerals, forming a particular kind of bond called a chelate. Heavier metals have a greater affinity for the EDTA and form stronger bonds. Early in its history, in the 40's and 50's, EDTA was found to be an effective treatment for lead toxicity and was approved by the FDA as a safe drug for that purpose. In many cases, patients who coincidentally had symptoms of heart disease, such as angina, improved while undergoing the lead toxicity treatment. Since that time, a number of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chelation therapy for blood vessel disease, including improved blood flow to the heart, the legs and the brain. Experienced physicians and medical researchers have published them in reputable journals.

Chelation comes from the Greek word "claw," meaning "to grab," which is exactly what EDTA does. When a molecule of EDTA travels through the bloodstream and gets near a toxic metal such as lead or mercury, it grabs the destructive particle and binds tightly with it, pulling it out of the membrane or body tissue it was embedded in.

Since EDTA is an artificial amino acid, and since the body regards it as a foreign substance, the body eliminates the entire particle-the heavy particle coated with EDTA. The body can't tell that underneath the coating is some harmful material that it might be willing to keep even though it is harmful. Ultimately, both the EDTA and the toxic substance are delivered to the kidneys, which excrete them in the urine.

For more information, or to see if chelation therapy is right for you, please contact our wellness center.


Ozone Therapy

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a unique form of therapy that both heals and detoxifies at the same time. It used to treat a variety of chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic hepatitis, herpes, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn’s disease.

What Is Ozone?

The oxygen you breathe is present in the air as a pair of oxygen atoms. This is the most stable form of oxygen, and it’s colorless. Ozone is a blue colored form of oxygen (it's what makes the sky blue), and unlike regular oxygen, it is composed of three oxygen atoms instead of two. It is the addition of the third oxygen atom that makes ozone “supercharged” oxygen, and gives it all of its remarkable medical properties.

The use of ozone to treat various medical conditions was first developed in Germany in the early 1950's. Today, medical ozone therapy is common throughout Europe, and its use has gradually been spreading in America over the last 25 years.

Ozone Is Toxic Isn't It?

Anything, including water and oxygen, is toxic if given in amounts that exceed the body's capacity to utilize it. Ozone is found naturally in the body. The white cells make it as part of the immune response. Pure medical grade ozone, when it is used according to the established medical guidelines, has a safety record that is unparalleled.

Medical Properties Of Ozone

Ozone has five properties that account for why it works so well not only for macular degeneration, but also for most other chronic age related conditions as well:

Ozone is a potent regulator of the immune system. This means that when the immune system is overactive (as in auto-immune disease), ozone will calm it down. Conversely, when the immune system is under active as in cancer, AIDS, and chronic infections, ozone will stimulate it. This unique ability of ozone stems from its action on the membranes of white cells that causes them to produce immune related messenger molecules called cytokines. Examples of cytokines are gamma interferon, interleukin-2, colony stimulating factor, and TNF-alpha just to name a few.

Ozone stimulates increased uptake of oxygen by stimulating the enzyme diphosphoglycerate (DPG). DPG enables the release of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule so that it can be taken up into the cell. In the absence of an adequate amount of DPG, our cells become starved for oxygen. This is a common problem in diabetics.

Ozone improves circulation. It does this by enhancing the flow characteristics of blood as a liquid. This effect enables more of the oxygen carrying hemoglobin to reach the capillaries where ultimately the cells will receive more of the oxygen they require. Many patients with chronic inflammatory conditions have impaired circulation.

Ozone increases antioxidant protection more than any other therapy including vitamin C.Most people with chronic disease have deficient antioxidant defenses.

Ozone is a powerful mitochondrial stimulant. The fundamental underlying cause behind all degenerative disease from diabetes to heart disease to cancer is decreased mitochondrial energy production. Ozone can often correct this problem.

How Is Ozone Used Medically? Autotherapy is the most common, and in most cases the most effective way ozone is administered. The patient sits in a chair and has from 6-12 ounces of blood removed into a sterilized bottle. Then ozone is injected into the bottle, and the bottle is gently shaken, allowing the red and white blood cells to take up the ozone. The ozonated blood is then returned to the body. The entire procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. -- see also Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy (Photo-Oxidation)

Is Ozone Therapy For Me? This is a decision for a doctor who is trained and experienced in the medical use of ozone. Some conditions simply will not clear up unless ozone is used, and of course many conditions will clear up without ozone. Because of its many therapeutic properties, ozone can be used as part of a therapeutic plan for almost every disease.

It is invaluable in the treatment of heart disease and circulatory disorders. Chronic infections such as hepatitis-C, herpes, Lyme, and AIDS respond very favorably to ozone. It is also very helpful in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases.

It is important to realize that ozone therapy is not a panacea or some kind of magic bullet. Although it is often an indispensable modality, it is only rarely effective by itself. In the great majority of cases it must be combined with an individualized program of other alternative and natural therapies, such as nutrition and detoxification.


What is Hydrogen Peroxide?


The dramatic advances over the past 50 years in medical science’s understanding of physiology and in its ability to monitor disease states are so profound that it is now possible to achieve a better grasp of how Light Therapy works. In turn, this provides better insight into various physiological processes as well as an opportunity to fine-tune the therapy and apply it to new indications. This allows Medical Science to achieve significantly better results than the pioneers of UVBI were able to achieve or even dreamed of achieving.

We know that without oxygen for more than a few minutes, serious consequences follow. Without oxygen, we die very quickly. Breathing oxygen is an oxidative process. There can be no life if oxidation does not occur. The body uses oxidation as the first line of defense against bacteria, virus, yeast and parasites. When we use the principals of oxidation to bring about improvements in the body, it is called a therapy, herein referred to as Oxidative Therapy.

Most biochemical reactions in the body are “Balanced” through “Redox” mechanisms. Redox means (red)duction (ox)idation. Anytime a substance is reduced (chemically changed), something else must be oxidized (chemically changed the other way) for the reactions to stay in balance. As an example, oxidation is the process that causes rust on metals (slow oxidation) or fire (rapid oxidation). In the body, some types of oxidation are thought to be harmful by producing Free Radicals. (It is suggested people take Vitamin E, an antioxidant to help reduce Free Radical formation.) We know there can be no life if oxidation does not occur. Oxidation is the process through which the body converts sugar into energy. The body also uses oxidation as the first line of defense against bacteria, virus, yeast and parasites. Even breathing OXYGEN is an oxidative process. Without OXYGEN for more than a few minutes, serious consequences follow. Without oxidation, we die very quickly. When we use the principals of oxidation to bring about improvements in the body, it is called a therapy, herein referred to as Oxidative Therapy.

A number of substances are known to cause oxidation in the body but the most important of these is Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Although a natural substance made in the body, it is still considered a drug when used in Oxidative Therapy. Hydrogen Peroxide, when exposed to your blood or other body fluids, containing the enzyme CATALASE, is chemically split into OXYGEN and water. Remember how Hydrogen Peroxide foams when you put it on a wound? The foam is OXYGEN being produced by the action of catalase on the Hydrogen Peroxide. A small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide can supply large amounts of OXYGEN to the tissue.

This therapy is administered as follows: Weak, very pure Hydrogen Peroxide (0.0375%) or lower concentration) is added to a sugar or salt-water solution, the same as used for intravenous feeding in hospitals. This is injected in doses from 50 to 500 mL into a large vein usually in the arm, slowly over a period of 1 to 3 hours depending on the amount given and the condition of the patient. It is painless, excluding the very small needle stick. Treatments are usually given about once a week in chronic illness, but can be given daily in patients with acute illness such as pneumonia or flu.

Physicians may recommend 1 to 20 treatments depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated. The patient is rechecked in 1 to 3 months to evaluate the benefit and determine if additional treatments may be necessary. Some patients, especially with chronic illness, may need to take follow up treatments in series of 5 to 10 treatments, or may need maintenance indefinitely on a regular monthly schedule. Several patients have been administered as many as 50 treatments without complications. An experienced physician must decide how many treatments are necessary in your individual case.

Over the past 50 years, hundreds of patients have received Hydrogen Peroxide without serious side effects. Early use of Hydrogen Peroxide was reported to occasionally cause irritation of the vein being infused. This troublesome side effect was eliminated after the concentration and rate of infusion were adjusted downward.

Oxidative therapy, using Hydrogen Peroxide, has been reported in scientific literature and by physicians in the treatment of many conditions or diseases, with varying degrees of success.

Physicians from around the world constantly share knowledge and experience and the list of uses for Oxidative Therapy is growing everyday. Since Hydrogen Peroxide is a natural substance produced and used in body chemistry, there will be discoveries about its importance in biochemistry for years to come.



The Poly-MVA complex is a proprietary blend of the metal, palladium irreversibly bound to the exceptionally strong antioxidant, lipoic acid. Antioxidants neutralize free radical damage caused by the normal oxidative process that occurs in every living cell of your body. Antioxidants prevent inflammation and promote healthy cell regeneration and growth. They boost the immune system and probably protect against cell mutation which of course is the cause of cancer!

Poly-MVA has been approved by the FDA as a nontoxic nutritional supplement. Experts have found that this complex creates natural energy at the cellular level and may have significant applications as an anti-aging therapy.

In reference to cancer, Poly-MVA has already undergone extensive independent study and is scheduled to be investigated by the FDA as a N.I.D. or new investigational "drug". Studies in tissue culture show that Poly-MVA causes apoptosis or cell death in cancer cells while not affecting normal cells. Animal studies have also been nothing short of phenomenal! Independent human studies are now being conducted and thus far the results have exceeded expectations. While additional human studies need to be completed before the FDA approves this therapy as a cancer "treatment", people battling cancer now have few if any options beyond chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Poly-MVA does not interfere with either chemotherapy or radiation therapy and, in our experience, may actually minimize the side effects of these therapies. The majority of patients feel an increase in energy and maintain a healthy appetite. This is critical since the majority of late stage cancer patients actually die from malnutrition! Theoretically, Poly-MVA challenges cancer cells by increasing cellular energy in the "engine room" known as the mitochondria of the cell. Cancer cells have mutated to function on low energy and this increase in energy "shorts them out". Increased energy at the mitochondrial level stimulates DNA and in the case of cancer cells, creates complexes which may actually expedite natural cell death known as apoptosis.



Our Clinical Therapeutics The clinical approach consists of detoxifying and nourishing the body, the mind and the heart. The most elegant approach is based on fasting and nutritional therapy. Fasting on water or juices or a raw food diet is the most radical and the most efficient way to treat and prevent most illness. The nutritional therapy is a stepping stone to address mental, emotional and spiritual issues that may create imbalance. To achieve this goal the following methods can be used: meditation, awareness techniques, guided imagery, movement. Adjuvant therapies such as hydrotherapy, intravenous therapies, vitamin supplements, botanical medicine and homeopathy may be used in conjunction with the nutritional therapy or afterwards.


Booking Your Stay at the Retreat
Before participating in our residential health education program, we will need your Contact Information and Medical History Forms completed. This is done by downloading the forms, filling them out and sending them back to us via email or fax.
Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Fill out Medical Forms
Medical Forms - Click Here To Download

Step 2: Gather most recent medical records and blood tests.

Step 3: Submit the forms and medical records, and contact us for your free initial consultation.

Step 4: Confirm Dates and Pay Deposit. We will send you a confirmation email.

Any Questions - Please give us a Call
phone: (928) 613-2233
fax: (928) 204-2128


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The Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program For Cancer and Other Illnesses
By: Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, D.P.M.

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Max Gerson: A Cancer Therapy

Max Gerson: A Cancer Therapy
In 1958, based on thirty years of clinical experimentation, Dr. Max Gerson published this medical monograph. The results of fifty cases.

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Gerson Therapy Recipes

Gerson Therapy Recipes to be used in conjunction with the videotape: "Charlotte Gerson Demonstrates Basic Gerson Food Preparation" 34 page spiral bound booklet.

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Gerson Therapy Videos

The Gerson Therapy has over a 60 year track record of success. Over 200 articles in medical literature document its effectiveness. Since 1977, the non-profit Institute has trained physician, scientists, and the public on the healing and prevention of degenerative diseases.

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